Faculty Survey

Objective: The purpose of this survey is to assess faculty members’ satisfaction level and the effectiveness of programs in place to help them progress and excel in their profession.

Eligibility: All faculty members of SMIU

Process: Invitations for participation in the survey are sent to the faculty by the AQEC via e-mail. Responses are used internally to help assess faculty members’ satisfaction level and the effectiveness of programs in place to help them progress and excel in their profession. The anonymity of all responses is protected and no personally identifiable information is presented in the analysis reports. Follow-up for unresponsive faculty members consists of withholding of monthly salary by the Directorate of Human Resource Management.

Deadline: By the end of every semester within two weeks.

Survey access: CMS Login

Support staff in case of queries:

For technical support: IT Department (it@smiu.edu.pk)