Institutional Performance Evaluation
AQEC accomplish the IPE activity, and perform following tasks:
- Distribution eleven standards formats to the departments for appropriate data.
- Compilation of data and write University Portfolio Report with statistical university wide data.
- To invite the HEC and external panel for Self-Evaluation.
- Facilitate reviewers/panelist during IPE visit and present data. (internal & external)
- Present and discuss of University Portfolio Report (UPR) & IPE documents for inspection.
- The visits conduct for review panel including internal and external evaluators to different departments (academic and admin).
- Meeting for review panel with HODs of different departments including both academic and administration.
- Arrange meeting for review panel with faculty members.
- Arrange meeting for review panel with students of different departments.
- Final meeting Competent Authority.
- Coordinate with HEC and external evaluator for the evaluation report.
- Thereafter, according to IPE report prepare action plan for further improvement.
- The Final report submits to the Competent Authority for final approval.
- Any other task as per HEC criteria/guidelines will be share.
The various performance evaluation standards are recommended by higher education commission.
Standard 1: Mission Statement and Goals
Standard 2: Planning and Evaluation
Standard 3: Organization and Governance
Standard 4: Integrity
Standard 5: Faculty
Standard 6: Students
Standard 7: Institutional Resources
Standard 8: Academic Programs and Curricula
Standard 9: Public Disclosure and Transparency
Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Standard 11: Student Support Services
National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC)
NCEAC link will be added:
The following Bachelor level (4 years) computing degree programs fall in the accreditation by NCEAC:
a. Computer Science b. Software Engineering c. Information Technology d. Information Systems e. Bioinformatics
I. Accreditation-General Framework
The Council shall take into consideration the following aspects for accreditation of degree programs in the computing related subjects:
- Overall scope and structure of the program
- Curricula/syllabi
- The requisite infrastructure
- The faculty
- Level of compatibility with international standards and trends
- Level of Skill Development by the program
- Level of integration of science and technology
- The student support
- The laboratory facilities
- Facilities for student activities and other amenities
- Financial aid/assistance
- Level of job placement of graduates
The following steps are required to be taken in a sequence given as under. However, it should be noted that the steps given below are to taken for each computing program separately to be evaluated for the accreditation:
Step 1. Online Registration
Step 2. Submission of Application
Step 3. Desk Audit
Step 4. Field Audit/Inspection Visit
Step 5. Outcome of Inspection
Step 6. Updating of Information
- Coordination for follow-up on policies and processes for accreditation of university programs at SMIU.
- Liaison with relevant departments in preparation and completion of required documentation for accreditation.
- Inspection of departmental work in processes to monitor relevant departmental functioning in accordance with the accreditation councils or HEC criteria.
- Planning & coordination for external reviews/audit where necessary.
- Preparation of Annual or periodic reports for the activities of departments (for internal as well as external monitoring).
- Arrangement of internal academic performance system of the institute to ascertain that the institute meet accreditation requirements.
National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC)
NBEAC link will be added:
The National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC), is a professional body under the control of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan’s Quality Assurance Division (QAD) which accredits Business Administration, Public Administration and Management Sciences degree programs of Pakistan's educational institutes. NBEAC function at the national level as an accreditation authority within its scope to facilitate enhancing the quality of business education in Pakistan. NBEAC, since its inception has laid out systems, procedures, networks and programs to ensure that all degree awarding institutions in Pakistan are invited to achieve standards that are comparable with global standards and thus gain NBEAC accreditation. In future this accreditation could be used as a mechanism to introduce business school rankings to encourage competitiveness, quality, continuous improvement and sustainability in the Pakistan business education market. NBEAC accreditation acts both as a status and a process. Accreditation as status provides public notification that the accredited program meets standards of quality set forth by the NBEAC. As a process, accreditation reflects the fact that in achieving recognition by NBEAC, the institution and the program is committed to not only to meet standards but to continuously seek ways in which to enhance the quality of education in that program. Programmatic accreditation is an independent peer review process that validates that established standards of excellence set by the NBEAC are well met. NBEAC has designed these standards to assure that the graduates receive the quality of education in that program necessary for success in industry. The National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC) places great emphasis on improving and revising accreditation procedures to facilitate a business school. It undertakes the process effectively and efficiently to guarantee a fair decision. Accordingly, the NBEAC processes undergo regular evaluation and modification on the basis of previous experiences. The process continues to evolve to improve existing procedures and introduce new ones to meet emerging needs.
Process of NBEAC

How to Apply for Accreditation through AQEC
- Coordination for follow-up on policies and processes for accreditation of university programs at SMIU.
- Liaison with relevant departments in preparation and completion of required documentation for accreditation.
- Inspection of departmental work in processes to monitor relevant departmental functioning in accordance with the accreditation councils or HEC criteria.
- Planning & coordination for external reviews/audit where necessary.
- Preparation of Annual or periodic reports for the activities of departments (for internal as well as external monitoring).
- Arrangement of internal academic performance system of the institute to ascertain that the institute meet accreditation requirements.
National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE)
NBEAC link will be added:
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has setup an accreditation authority, National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE) to look after the matters regarding the accreditation of degree programs in Education & Teacher Education sectors by giving appropriate ratings and define the organization's objectives, functions and duties to be performed. It conducts periodical evaluations, scrutiny and monitoring criteria & standards regarding education degree programs.
- All the existing teacher education degree program are within the jurisdiction of the Council. Any new program in teacher education shall also be referred to the Council for the grant of accreditation.
- The accreditation is granted for specific degree program and not institutions.
- The Council assists and advises teacher education institutions in planning the academic and professional programs.
- The Council supports the intellectual development of prospective teachers (students) interested in pursuing the teaching profession and provide professional assistance to the concerned organizations. The Council shall consider the following aspects using set criterion for granting accreditation of degree programs in teacher education subjects: -
- Overall scope of the program.
- Curricula/syllabi matching with the level of degree program.
- The requisite infrastructure.
- The faculty- number and qualifications.
- Level of compatibility with international standards and trends.
- Level of skills to be developed by the program.
- Student support services.
- The library facilities.
- Internship/practice teaching facilities.
- Facilitate for student activities and other amenities.
- Financial assistance/loan etc.
- Level of job placement of graduates.
- Level of market needs fulfillment